Research Documentation 1

Mozilla Developer Network

The Mozilla Developers Network is a collection of collaborative projects for CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and APIs. They also include guides as learning resources to help new developers and students learn how to build each of these platforms. The MDN is trusted for front end development, as it was created by Mozilla, the group that also created Firefox. I found this source after being told about it in JavaScript (If I'm remembering right).

David Walsh

David Walsh is a software engineer who runs his own blog website to show off demos and tutorials, including his insight into web and his own life. David Walsh was a former software engineer at Mozilla and is currently working at MetaMask, a blockchain and crypto developer. I found this source looking around on Twitter. He has 90 thousand followers

Addy Osmani

Addy Osmani is a software engineer that works on the Google Chrome browser, and is the lead of the speed and developer experience efforts. He has also written a few books, including 3 on JavaScript and 1 on image optimization. He has a blog for optimizing performance and teaches his experience working as a software engineer. I found this source by looking through who David Walsh follows, I chose someone and then went into their follows and found Addy Osmani.


Finding new sources of web development information can give you a broad look into the future of your own web design, and it is easy to do so by looking at Twitter or big web-based companies like Mozilla. Many web developers and software engineers have portfolios and blogs detailing new demos and how to include them in your own projects.