Research Documentation 5

Adrian Pietrzak

Adrian Pietrzak is a software engineer who uses mostly JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, MySQL, Node.js, and React. Adrian lists his hardware, terminal, desk, software, server, and hosting on his page.

Nick Janetakis

Nick Janetakis is a full stack developer who builds and deploys web apps, and also teaches. He lists out his computer specs, code editors, and notable apps that make work more simple. He develops Python, Ruby, CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Elixir, Phoenix, and Shell Scripting.

Zell Liew

Zell Liew is a web developer who mainly uses Visual Studio for development work. On his tools I use page, he has lists for development, writing, design, business, streaming, file storage, and Mac items.


Looking through these developers, they didn't have too much in common with what they use when creating websites and apps. What they do and the tools they use to do it seem to come down to preference with what works for them. You can use a program for years but find a new program that fits you better. On the very bottom of Zell's tool list, he notes that none of the list systems he tried worked for him, and was thinking of building a system that works for him. It seems that whatever you find that works best for you is what you should keep using.