- The events navigation bar makes it easy to find the top games that are happening soon and their score.
- The second navigation bar lists the major sports people may be looking for and shows others using a three dot dropdown menu. It is a very useful way to list all the different items they have pages for.
- After signing in to their website, the user can add their favorite teams to a list. It also adds the followed team's score to the home screen for teh most recent game.
- The main content are recent news articles that draws users in to the page with videos and images.
- The left sidebar contains the links at the footer of the webpage. It helps when you have to scroll so far down from all the content.
- The text on the page is too small to read for many people.
- Accessory Instead of making a list to find a certain item, they have the user scroll to find what item they are looking for.
- To get the main navigation to show up, the user needs to select any link on the page, then the main navigation appears.
- Their images are not optimized well for the web. They are very pixelated.
- After visiting some of their links, the links that are over the dark blue background are hard to see and read.